UTAM Generator

UTAM Generator is a tool that generates UTAM JSON files from HTML files. An input HTML file can be either a raw HTML downloaded from a browser or a Web Component source code in HTML format, such as a Lightning web component.

Starting from version 2.1.0, the generator supports generation of a UTAM JSON page object from a JavaScript file with hardcoded HTML snippets. For more details, see Generate from JavaScript.

Note: Before you use the generator on a Salesforce page, use the UTAM browser extension to identify existing page objects provided by Salesforce. You generally need to generate new page objects only for custom components or custom UI that you create.

Use the generator playground to generate UTAM page objects from HTML or run the generator in your own repository. See the configuration steps in the next sections.

Set up project dependencies

The generator artifact is published in npm.

The package.json file configures the dependencies for a JavaScript project.

Add a development dependency for the UTAM generator by running one of these commands:

These commands are equivalent and add utam to the devDependencies property in package.json, where x.y.z represents the installed version and is the latest version by default.

    "devDependencies": {
        "utam": "x.y.z"

Set up generate step in package.json

The package.json file has a script that runs the utam-generate generation CLI command. utam is installed locally in your project because you added it to the devDependencies in package.json.

    "scripts": {
        "build": "yarn generate:utam",
        "generate:utam": "utam-generate -c utam-generator.config.json"
    "devDependencies": {
        "utam": "x.y.z"

Generator configuration file

You can specify options in the generator configuration file.

Use the -c flag of the utam-generate CLI to point at the configuration file. In this example, we use utam-generator.config.json.

utam-generate -c utam-generator.config.json

Use the -p flag of the utam-generate CLI to point the generator at multiple configuration files. This approach is useful if you have a repo where you need different configuration options in different subprojects. In most scenarios, the -c flag suffices and you don't need to use the -p flag.

utam-generate -p 'path/to/project1/utam.config.json' 'path/to/project2/utam.config.json'

Note: Pass a list of whitespace-separated utam compiler configuration file paths.

The generator configuration options are explained in the next section.

Generation runner parameters

You don't have to explicitly declare any options for the generator because all options have default values. If your project structure follows the default convention, the compiler works out of the box. In that case, set the generator configuration file to be an empty object, {}.

This section lists all the options supported by the generator runner. For each option, we describe its JSON type, its default value, and what it does.

There are other configuration parameters responsible for how the generator interprets HTML. Those parameters are explained in the Generator rules guide.

    "inputRootDir": "./", // config file directory name
    "ignore": ["**/node_modules/**"],
    "inputFileMask": ["**/*.html"],
    "outputDir": "__utam__",
    "relativeOutputDir": false,
    "outputFileExtension": ".utam.json",
    "overrideExisting": true,
    "rulesFileMask": ["**/*.rules.json"]


The relative path from the configuration file's directory that represents the root directory path. The generator looks recursively in the root directory for HTML files.

Defaults to the configuration file's directory if not specified. For instance, if your utam-generator.config.json configuration file is at the package root (the same level as the package.json file), the page object root directory defaults to the package root directory.


You can specify which folders and files should be ignored and not traversed by the generator.

Defaults to ignore only **/node_modules/**.


The file mask pattern used by the generator to find HTML input files. It tells the generator where to start scanning for the source files relative to inputRootDir. Declare the file mask as a list of glob patterns.


See outputDir for details.


The relative path from the inputRootDir directory to the target directory for generated UTAM JSON files. The generator writes the JSON page objects to this directory.

If relativeOutputDir is set to false, a single folder is created under inputRootDir.

├── utam-generator.config.json
├── __utam__
   ├── component1.utam.json
   ├── component2.utam.json
├── src/
   └── modules/
      ├── component1/...
      ├── component2/...

If relativeOutputDir is set to true, the output is generated under the same folder as the source file. The path is relative to the source folder. For example, if outputDir is set to __utam__, here's where the output is generated:

├── utam-generator.config.json
├── src/
   └── modules/
      ├── component1/
         └── component1.html
         └── __utam__/
            └── component1.utam.json
      ├── component2/
         └── component2.html
         └── __utam__/
            └── component2.utam.json


The generated output file has the same name as the source file with .html removed and with the outputFileExtension added as a suffix. For example, a myComponent.html source file generates myComponent.utam.json.


If set to true, the generator overrides an existing file with the same name. By default if myComponent.utam.json already exists, it is overridden.


The file mask for component-based individual generation rules.


An HTML tag that will be used to wrap HTML snippets extracted from a JavaScript file. See Generate from JavaScript. For example, if the value is 'html', the output will be <html>extracted HTML</html>.

Generate from JavaScript

You can generate a UTAM page object from a JavaScript file that contains HTML snippets.

To enable the generator to find the HTML snippets in JavaScript files, add the mask for JavaScript files to the inputFileMask configuration parameter.

    "inputFileMask": ["**/*.html", "**/*.js"]

The generator now looks into files with the *.js extension and extracts HTML code snippets. The generator uses generator rules to generate UTAM page objects from the extracted snippets. For example, this JavaScript file contains an HTML snippet:

class Component {
    render() {
        return (

The UTAM generator recognizes code in the div tag as HTML and generates this JSON:

    "elements": [
            "public": true,
            "name": "button",
            "type": ["actionable", "clickable"],
            "selector": {
                "css": "button"

If the scriptHtmlWrapper configuration parameter is set, the generated code will be wrapped into an HTML tag. For example, if the generator configuration is:

    "inputFileMask": ["**/*.html", "**/*.js"],
    "scriptHtmlWrapper": "html"

The JSON is generated as if the HTML snippet in a JavaScript file was inside an html tag.

    "root": true,
    "selector": {
        "css": "html"
    "elements": [