Elements in Frames

Let's write a UI test for a playground-app element inside an iframe.


Add a frame element

First, we need to create a root Home page object and add a frame element:

    "root": true,
    "selector": {
        "css": "componentreference-playground"
    "shadow": {
        "elements": [
                "name": "previewFrame",
                "public": true,
                "type": "frame",
                "selector": {
                    "css": "[name='preview']"

Enter the frame from a test

Use enterFrame() in this JavaScript test to enter the frame.

const home = await utam.load(Home);
const frame = await home.getPreviewFrame();
await utam.enterFrame(frame);

Load the page object inside the frame

The Playground page object for our playground-app, which is in the iframe, should be marked as root.

    "root": true,
    "selector": {
        "css": "playground-app"
    "methods": [
            "name": "play",
            "compose": []

Now, when the JavaScript test enters the frame, we can load the Playground page object from the UTAM loader:

// shortcut to enter frame and load:
// utam.enterFrameAndLoad(frame, Playground);
const playground = await utam.load(Playground);
await playground.play();

Exit frame

When the test is done interacting with the Playground page object inside the frame, call exitFrame:

await utam.exitFrame();

If the frame is nested, a test can use utam.exitParentFrame() to pass the control to the parent frame of the current frame.