Basic Elements

A JSON page object is a tree of elements that map to the DOM of the corresponding page.

If a page has an HTML element that you need in the page object, declare a basic element as an object in an elements array. A basic element must have a name and a selector.

Click DOM Tree Viewer.

    <div class="main">
        <h1>Hello, <span class="world">🌍 🌏 🌎</span>!</h1>

To test that the Hello World page contains three world emojis, we don't have to model the div or the h1 in JSON. We only need to model the element with a world class.

The page object declares the basic element world, which transforms into the method name getWorld.

A basic element must have a selector, in this case it selects the element with the world class.

To generate the method for test code, use "public": true.

Click Run Test.

Tip: Declare only elements that are required to generate your test API. When you design a page object, the goal is to abstract the DOM and hide it from test code. You don't need to model the whole component in JSON.