
Use arguments to pass data to methods.

Argument Types

This table shows the syntax for declaring a non-literal argument with a name and type. Instead of using a combination of name and type, it's also possible to use a hardcoded (literal) value for an argument of these types.

Name/type (non literal)Value/type (literal)
string primitive{ "name": "myArg", "type": "string" }{ "value": "myString" }
integer primitive{ "name": "myArg", "type": "number" }{ "value": 1024 }
boolean primitive{ "name": "myArg", "type": "boolean" }{ "value": false }
locator{ "name": "myArg", "type": "locator" }{ "value": { "css": ".myClass" }, "type": "locator" }
element referencenot supported{ "type": "elementReference", "value": "myElement" }
page object type{ "name": "myArg", "type": "pageObject" }{ "value": "my/page/object", "type": "pageObject" }
root page object type{ "name": "myArg", "type": "rootPageObject" }{ "value": "my/page/object", "type": "rootPageObject" }
frame element{ "name": "myArg", "type": "frame" }same as element reference
functionnot supported{ "type": "function", "predicate": [...] }

Argument Reference

To access an argument passed to a compose method in multiple statements, declare a reusable argument at the method level. The args property must be a sibling of the name property. For example, we declare a reusable passwordStr argument at the method level:

    "name": "passwordStr",
    "type": "string"

Then in each compose statement where you want to access the reusable argument, set the argument's type to argumentReference, the name of an argument with "type": "argumentReference" must match the name of one of the reusable arguments declared at the method level:

    "name": "passwordStr",
    "type": "argumentReference"

Here's the full method declaration. The statements that apply actions to the password and passwordConfirmation elements both declare a reference to the reusable passwordStr argument. When test code invokes this method, the passwordStr argument is passed to both statements:

    "name": "confirmPassword",
    "args": [
            "name": "passwordStr",
            "type": "string"
    "compose": [
            "element": "password",
            "apply": "clearAndType",
            "args": [
                    "name": "passwordStr",
                    "type": "argumentReference"
            "element": "passwordConfirmation",
            "apply": "clearAndType",
            "args": [
                    "name": "passwordStr",
                    "type": "argumentReference"

A reusable argument can't be an argument with a hardcoded value, also known as a literal type.

For a working example of argument references, see this tutorial.

Element Reference Argument Type

The elementReference type in an argument allows you to reference an existing element as a parameter value. This example uses an elementReference to a targetElement element.

    "elements": [
            "name": "sourceElement",
            "selector": {
                "css": ".source"
            "type": ["draggable"]
            "name": "targetElement",
            "selector": {
                "css": ".source"
    "methods": [
            "name": "composeDragAndDrop",
            "compose": [
                    "element": "sourceElement",
                    "apply": "dragAndDrop",
                    "args": [
                            "type": "elementReference",
                            "value": "targetElement"

Generated JavaScript code:

// declaration
composeDragAndDrop(): Promise<void>;

// implementation
async composeDragAndDrop() {
    const _statement0 = await this.__getSourceElement();
    await _statement0.dragAndDrop(await this.__getTargetElement());

If a referenced element has a selector or filter arguments, those values are automatically inferred and added to the method declaration.

    "name": "target",
    "selector": {
        "css": "foo:nth-child(%d)",
        "args": [
                "name": "index",
                "type": "number"

When the element is referenced in a compose statement, this page object hard codes the value of 1 for an index.

    "element": "source",
    "apply": "dragAndDrop",
    "args": [
            "value": "target",
            "type": "elementReference",
            "args": [
                    "value": 1