Filter a List of Elements Using isTrue

This tutorial uses the isTrue matcher to filter a list of Trailhead units to show only visible (incomplete) units.

The visibleTrailUnits element in trailheadProgress.utam.json uses the example-trail-unit selector to identify all the units. The filter matches all the elements that return true for the isVisible basic action. Elements that match are returned.

    "elements": [
            "name": "visibleTrailUnits",
            "public": true,
            "selector": {
                "css": "example-trail-unit",
                "returnAll": true
            "filter": {
                "apply": "isVisible",
                "matcher": {
                    "type": "isTrue"

The test calls getVisibleTrailUnits() to get the visible elements. The test then asserts that the number of elements matches the expected number of visible units.

The test code is simple because most of the work is done declaratively in the page object using the power of filters.